WEBINAR | Caption vs. Comments: Where To Put Your Hashtags

Where should you place your hashtags in order to receive the best results? 

We’re all looking for the best ways to increase impressions, achieve higher engagement and grow followers. There are many tactics, tricks and ideas that can help you achieve these goals.

Hashtags help to categorize your content in a searchable way, and can also help your posts come up first when your followers open Instagram. They’re also the bride to landing in the glorious rewarding flow of the explore page where content goes viral and dreams are made.

There’s a lot of debate on which hashtags to use and how many you should use. As the algorithm acts differently for everyone and best practices dictate that your hashtags should be relevant to your content, every post will behave differently.

But where to insert them, the captions or the comments, is a hotly debated topic and no one really seems to have the answer. And that’s why we asked the Foodie Tribe to help us figure it out by participating in an experiment.

Watch the webinar and you’ll learn:

  • Which hashtag placement drove higher engagement 

  • How to run your own experiment

  • Insights on how the instagram algorithm works


  • Which engagement actions are the most valuable

We ran a 2 week experiment with a number of content creators who tracked all of the following metrics:

  • Likes 

  • Comments 

  • Forwards 

  • Saves 

  • Impressions 

  • Impressions from hashtags

We compared and contrasted how each of them affected the performance of the post for the individual Food Tribe member as well as the whole group. Through this we learned a new set of best practices that you can use to increase the impact of your efforts on Instagram.

Watch now!