La Española UK

Location: United Kingdom

Service: Influencer Marketing

The ask:  La Española, the world leader in quality olive oil, sought out Foodie Tribe’s influencer marketing expertise to build brand awareness and drive traffic to La Española’s social accounts. In addition to building brand awareness, an increased rate of sale was also a top priority. A key component of building that brand loyalty was to genuinely express the quality of La Española’s olive oil, and that was to be accomplished through authenticity and creatively produced content. With a detailed search, Foodie Tribe sourced influencers that aligned with the brand’s vision and met the key demographics for the campaign.

What we did: By activating nine influencers and gathering 46 pieces of content, we were able to provide olive oil based recipes to our desired audience. This content also allowed us to coordinate a “Recipe of the Year” contest on the client’s Instagram, in which we reposted the final dishes, drove the influencer’s followers to vote, and received 148 comments (compared to the brand’s average of 6 comments!). Ultimately, this campaign resulted in an average of 174 Post Saves (showing clear intent to re-make the marketed dishes) and drove an impressive number of people to La Española’s Instagram.


  • 18,209 engagements

  • 239,760 impressions

  • 2.34% overall engagement rate


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